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Resource Links

The following links listed below will provide you with additional information to the following 24/7 hotlines, on Domestic Violence, Drug Addiction Hotline, Grief Recovery, Mental Illness, Sex & Human Trafficking, and Suicide Hotline. Remember you're not alone, there is HELP!

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Domestic violence abuse occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or intimate relationship with a significant other. If you or someone you know has been physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, or sexual abuse, please call 911 or (800) 799-7233 or visit online at

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The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Hotline provides information on alcohol and drug abuse, local treatment options, support through hotline counselors to speak with about alcohol, drug or family problems. Call the helpline and put yourself on the path to recovery. Get private, confidential help from trusted professionals day and night. by calling 1-844-289-0879 or visit online at

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A Certified Grief Recovery Specialist helps people move beyond death, divorce, and other losses. Dr. Donald Tate helps people to cope with physical and emotional challenges by expanding your awareness of powerful tools, techniques, and skills that you can use to empower yourself by calling 24/7 (800) 273-8255. Visit online at

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Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences cognition, perception, and behavior. It also determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making. The Mental Health Hotline at (866) 903-3787 can answer your questions confidentially and free of charge, or visit line at 

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 Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another. The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe at (888) 373-7888 or visit online at

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The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States at (800) 723-8255 or visit online at

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